Connect to Project Activity


This activity is used to manually connect a material requisition line to a project activity when issuing part, from the material requisition line itself. This activity is performed to obtain the cost of the project activity of goods being requested for the project through the material requisition.


System Effects

Project is connected to the material requisition.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. In IFS Aurena navigate to lobby page My Material Requisition.
  2. Select Issue Material lobby element.
  3. Select the Part you want to issue using the list of values. All the parts connected to your default site are listed. Then select Location No from where you want to issue the part. Then press the Next button.
  4. Enter the issue quantity manually. However if it is a serial tracked part, select the serials using the Boolean control/check box. Then press Next.
  5. Enter the Internal Customer and then go to the Project Information node
  6. Use the List of Values to select the program ID pertaining to the activity you want to select.
  7. You can continue to specify the criteria for the activity you want to select by clicking on the Project, Sub Project, and Activity No fields, and then selecting suitable values from the List of Values.
  8. Click Next to save the record